Ariah will be 8 months old on Saturday (wow--where are these months going). Her biggest development this month is probably that she started cruising along the furniture. She's still pretty slow about it, and only cruises when she wants to get to something exciting. Her vocabulary now includes dada, baba, mama, and gggg (along with the thousands of different sounds that she discovers she can make each day!) Her little personality continues to shine through more every day. If I had to choose some adjectives to describe her personality right now, I think I'd choose curious, passionate, active, fiesty, and generally happy. She is sitting up in the big bathtub now, and loves to splash and play. As soon as she hears the water turn on, she comes crawling into the bathroom and pulls herself up on the tub. It is adorable!
We have joined several playgroups, and she really loves being around the other babies. She loves pulling the bows out of the other girls' hair, rocking the younger babies in their carriers, and of course grabbing all the babies noses.