I can't believe we're on the countdown to the big FIRST BIRTHDAY! This has been a really fun month. She is really starting to communicate more and has all kinds of new tricks! She is trying to sign more, but gets all the signs confused! She's pretty good at "more" (go figure), and is trying to communicate "all done" (although that one is all messed up!)
Some funny things she is doing lately....every time she hears a dog or you ask her "what does a dog say", she woofs. It is hilarious. Another cute thing she started the other day was shaking her finger in the part of "10 little monkeys" that says "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
We are officially done with bows for a while. She learned how to take them out and loves to reach up there and get them out as soon as they go in! It was a sad day when I had to give up the bows!
Her walking is getting better by the day, although she still prefers to crawl. She can walk quite a long ways, but is slow about it. She still isn't great about standing up from the ground yet...which is probably why she prefers to crawl.
Here are some pictures from the month!