So when I started stroller strides last year I met a group of moms that had 15 month olds. At the time those kids looked like big kids. And now here I am with a 15 month old of my own. And my perceptions were all wrong--she's still my baby, not a big kid. But she continues to change every day! We go in for her 15 month check up next week and I have my fingers crossed that we've hit the 20 lb mark so I can turn her car seat to face forward in the car!
Her vocabulary continues to grow each day. Some new words she's picked up this month include belly, shoe, duck, and no. She's very fond of using the dreaded 'n' word! She makes sure to tell the animals what they are not allowed to do (according to her 15 month old mind) by shaking her finger and saying no-no-no-no at them! It is quite cute, I'll have to work on getting it on video.
She just got another tooth this week, and it looks like the last 3 (besides her 2 year molars) are on their way down too. YAY! Almost done.
She started her gym classes at the Little Gym this month and absolutely loves them. She climbs over everything, swings on the bar, and can walk the balance beam with my help. One downside...I think it is contributing to her desire to climb up everything now! We were at a friend's house the other day and I looked over and Ariah had climbed right onto their glass coffee table! The little squirt.
Every day is a new adventure!

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