Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Baby sign language

So it turns out that teaching babies sign language is the new thing to do. This allows them to communicate with you before they have the verbal skills to talk. I've been working on a few signs with Ariah for the past couple of months (milk, eat, more, and all done). She has been moving her hands to mean "milk" for a couple weeks now, but didn't really know what she was doing. Now she's signing "milk" and means it! It is so amazing to watch. She is just thrilled with herself (probably because Mom and Dad get so excited :-) She usually signs "milk" about halfway through her meal in the highchair because she knows she gets milk after her food. But she has also signed a few times before she eats, when she's starting to get hungry. Now we just have to work on deciphering "milk" from her waving! Here is a video of her signing milk (her hand opening and closing means "milk")

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